Herbert Chavez, a 35 year old Filipino designer, took his Superman obsession to the heights when he underwent a number of surgeries to make him look more like his idol, Clark Kent aka Superman.
His obsession started as a child, and then he later started collecting Superman souvenirs over the years. Now his house is packed with Superman cups, bed spreads, action figures and life-size Superman statues.
He has two lives like Clark Kent. By day, he is a designer. After work, he is the "village superman" as the children often refer to him. But, apparently the children in his neighborhood love him which makes him very fulfilled in his life.
Chavez has undergone a series of procedures that have made his nose higher and slimmed down his thighs. He has had surgery on his cheeks, lips and chin, and injections to whiten his skin. He is not done yet apparently, as he wants to undergo other surgeries on his abs and get steel plate implants to lengthen his legs.
More photos here.
My take on this story is: W**T THA F**K?!!! I mean seriously what normal human being does to themselves. I mean I like Cat Woman, but I do not want to undergo surgery to look like her for God's sake! And, isn't he too old to be running around in a Superman costume everyday? He should save all that drama for Halloween which is close by. The doctors who performed those procedures on him really should have done a psychiatric test on him first. It was still a good job done, though. Just wondering where he got all the money for the procedures. Hope the guy ain't bankrupt.
The world is getting stranger every day.
The world is getting stranger every day.
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Have a great day people.
Eh. To each their own. I suppose it depends on your view of humanity. We view the vessels we are born with as sacred and untouchable and link outer appearance to our inner selves (which is a very antiquated view). Well, here you have a man who saw who he was on the inside and changed his appearance to reflect that. I can't hate on it. He didn't do this to fit in with the status quo, although I am sure it didn't hurt that his idol just happened to be a masculine white man; and, he isn't hurting anyone but himself with it. Ill point out that others have done non-conformity image transformation surgeries eg the lizard man, many tattoo enthusiasts, the cat man. He used his money on becoming something he dreams of; which is a better use of money than violence, exploitation of women, or throwing it away on material trinkets whose value only lasts from season to season while using "serf" labor in other countries to make such items. It may be bizarre to us who lack his desires or do not live in his mind; but I don't see anything mentally ill with what he has done. Mind you I am a Transhumanists, so changing outer appearance is just a mere blip - doesn't define your humanity - he is still the same man before and after the surgery.
ReplyDeleteCool blog by the way. I, as a fellow classmate, support this vessel of discussion. :D
I just re opened this blog after 6 years and read your comment, after reading this post that I wrote. Your comment just showed me how much I had changed and I want to really thank you for supporting my blog. I really appreciate it :)
DeleteHey! Thank you for the feedback. :)
ReplyDeleteI like your own view of this man's situation, but there are still questions to be answered. Does he have a psychiatric disorder, maybe Body Dismorphic disorder? If he does,he will keep on changing his appearance, because eventually he would not be satisfied with the results. I mean look at him today, he looks okay, but 10 years from now, he might have destroyed himself with so many unnecessary surgeries to look like his ultimate idol Superman.
Even if he is okay, mentally, what are the implications of all these procedures in the long run on his overall health/well being?
I am someone who believes that everyone can change something of their body that they may not like to achieve their goal of perfection. That is as long as they are not mentally ill and the procedures do not cause bodily harm. But extreme cases like this raises eyebrows for me.
A 35 year old man is a grandad. All that surgery on one person? He Michael Jacksoned his skin. Children love him. Social Services and Child Protection agencies should keep an eye on Herbert Chavez. Did he forget to change his name by deed poll to Clark Kent?
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